How to Tell Kids About Divorce
By Dan Blair, a marriage counselor and family counselor. Telling the kids can often be one of the toughest part of a divorce. The kid’s dream of a “normal” life with mom and dad [...]
By Dan Blair, a marriage counselor and family counselor. Telling the kids can often be one of the toughest part of a divorce. The kid’s dream of a “normal” life with mom and dad [...]
By Dan Blair, a marriage counselor and family counselor. Churches proclaim divorce to be a sin with certain exceptions. These exceptions depend on which church you attend. Some believe divorce is [...]
By Dan Blair, a marriage counselor and family counselor. When you have been wronged it can be hard to consider mercy, but when you are the one who has done wrong, mercy can be what saves you. [...]
By Dan Blair, a marriage counselor and family counselor. Many present a split between emotions and actions. In this way we tell ourselves that we are not able to change our feelings but that is [...]
By Dan Blair, a marriage counselor and family counselor. To resolve issues with an “ex” in an unavoidable divorce, present and future co-parents may have to be at the point where they [...]
By Dan Blair, a marriage counselor and family counselor. There are many commands to have or not have particular emotions in the Bible in a given context. Many Christians focus on what they do or [...]
By Dan Blair, a marriage counselor and family counselor. You can make a difference when it comes to insulating your children from the harmful effects of unavoidable divorce. Children of divorce [...]
By Dan Blair, a marriage counselor and family counselor. Here are some questions that need to be answered in the best financial interest of the family: 1. Have I consulted with an attorney and/or [...]
By Dan Blair, a marriage counselor and family counselor. God works through the heart (Jeremiah 31:33). It is out of the heart that we connect with God (Romans 10:10). We are told not to lose [...]
By Dan Blair, a marriage counselor and family counselor. The Bible says the heart is deceitful. Mental health practices, however, often encourages one to listen to the heart. The Bible also talks [...]