How You Can Help Your Kids with Self-Care

By Jennifer Scott

Kids today are dealing with a whole host of pressures and stress. As a parent, you teach your child how to take care of their body and how to use their manners — but teaching them to care for their own mental health can be more difficult. Still, it’s an important skill to pass on to the next generation. Blair Counseling and Mediation presents some tips that can help you introduce self-care into your and your family’s lives.

Creating a Peaceful Home Environment

When you live day to day in a peaceful place, it helps your mind stay at peace as well. There are many ways to make your home’s atmosphere more peaceful.

  • Keep clutter to a minimum. Too much visual noise can be distracting and overwhelming.
  • Make your space green. Keeping plants in your space has mood-boosting benefits and helps keep the air clean and pure. If you don’t have a green thumb, AP News points out that even artificial plants have strong effects on mood and well-being.
  • Get plenty of light. Cantifix notes that natural daylight helps boost vitamin D in your body and improves your mood. For darker spaces or seasons when not much natural light is available, special lamps with daylight bulbs can supplement.
  • Try scent therapy. Many smells affect the brain in certain ways. Try placing an oil diffuser with uplifting scents, such as lavender, peppermint, or patchouli.

Prioritizing Family Time

Most kids crave quality time with their families. Making a plan and a habit of spending family time together helps ensure this practice is protected in your busy schedule. For instance, having a bedtime ritual you go through nightly helps everyone settle for the evening. This isn’t just for younger children, as reconnecting at the end of the day is important for older kids as well.

When you must spend time working at home, include your children. They can do age-appropriate chores beside you while you clean the kitchen. If you need to do some work for the office, let them sit beside you and color or read. Even that time spent in proximity is beneficial.

Family Getaways

Another way to build strong memories with your children is to go out together. This could be spending a day miniature golfing or taking a summer vacation to a theme park. Plan your family vacation together, so you all have something to look forward to. Not only will you build memories, but you also foster attachment and develop positive pathways in the brain while having fun.

Being Creative

Art provides an amazing insight into kids’ brains. Whether they prefer drawing, crocheting, or writing a story, your children should spend some time every day being creative. The benefits of creating something from nothing can’t be overstated. It reduces stress, boosts the immune system, improves cognitive function, and lifts spirits.

Reach Out For Help

This is only a small sample of the many ways you can support your kids while they learn how to care for their mental health. From creating a stress-free home and prioritizing time with the kids to planning getaways and being creative you’ll be well on your way to imparting self-care ideas that will last a lifetime.

Image via Pexels

Blair Counseling and Mediation provides counseling services for everything from depression and addictions to child behavior and marriage. Contact us today for more information! (815) 276-3947

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